Lace Piano
“Come and play the world’s first “Lace Piano”. With recorded sounds and footage from Cluny Lace Factory and NTU Lace Archive, remix Nottingham’s lace industry with your own two twist-hands. This fully-immersive, multi-sensory experience combines digital arts and textiles; interactive fun for all the family! A collaboration between Jenny “hibword” Hibberd, Andrew Johnston, Gra of K+G curated space & DACHHU. With thanks to Dr Gail Baxter, Sean Clark of Cuttlefish Multimedia LTD, Cluny Lace Factory, Harrington Fabric & Lace and Leicester Hackspace.
In answer to a commission posted by UK Young Artists, I created the Lace Piano to celebrate the heritage of Nottingham Lace. I visited Cluny Lace factory, the last standing leavers lace factory in England, and recorded sounds of their industrial machinery. Collaborating with digital artist Andrew Johnston, these sounds were transferred onto lace ‘keys’ so people could play the piano realtime. The piece was created using lace, kindly donated by Harrington Fabric and Lace, hessian, conductive thread, Arduino programming and intricate circuitry.
- Celebrating Catterntide, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University 11/2019
- LCB Design Season 2, Malcolm Arcade, Leicester 10/2019
- The Mighty Creatives “Creating The Future” Conference, Curve Theatre, Leicester 06/2019
- UKYA City Takeover, Intu Broadmarsh, Nottingham 02/2019